Dec 14 – 16, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Introducing the SDGs in Foreign Language Teacher Education through Moodle and H5P

Dec 15, 2023, 3:30 PM
Aula 103

Aula 103

Contributo (Full paper) Contributi


Juan-Carlos Casañ-Nuñez (Department of Language and Literature Education, Universitat de València)


It is essential that students in Teaching Degrees receive training on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during their university studies, as they will be responsible for educating future generations in the culture of sustainability. This communication describes the implementation and provisional results of a Moodle-enhanced learning situation focusing on the SDGs. The main goals of the learning situation involved discovering the SDGs, reflecting on the role of teachers in achieving the SDGs, designing learning situations for primary school students incorporating at least one SDG and one H5P activity, and improving students’ level of communicative competence. The participants were pre-service teachers enrolled on face-to-face English as a foreign language course at a large Spanish university. Before and after the learning situation, a short test on the SDGs was administered. Participants were also asked to complete a satisfaction survey. The provisional results suggest that the learning situation was successful because the future teachers were motivated, completed the tasks, and improved their knowledge about the SDGs. Moreover, in a follow-up assignment, they were able to design or adapt teaching materials for primary students incorporating at least one SDG and H5P content.

Primary author

Juan-Carlos Casañ-Nuñez (Department of Language and Literature Education, Universitat de València)

Presentation materials